Mike Kazadi Michael
Mike Kazadi Michael


Telephone Number: +24397****, +24382***
Email: wikimemoires@gmail.com

Physical address: Alliance 44/ Lubumbashi/DRC
Gender: Male

Professional Profile

I am a self-motivated and reliable individual with the ability to work in mining companies. I have valuable skills in optimisation of the management of raw materials necessary for the production process. I have occupational health and safety skills. I have the ability to manage one self, people, time and things. I have the ability to research and make improvements in the production system. I am a fast learner, I am IT literate and i have good computer skills that will allow me to better perform in an engineering process. I believe that I would be a valuable hire for any company, providing a strong and versatile skill set.

Key Skills

• Ore preparation service skills

• Analytical and good problem solving Skills

• Analyse flotation data Supervise plant operations

• Assessing safety and environmental issues • Identify and study products, components and equipment

• Planning & research

• Develop specifications

• IT and numeracy skills

• The ability to work under pressure • Good problem-solving skills

• Carry out assessments

• Organisational Skills

• Communication and team working skills


Company Position Dates of Employment Key Responsibilities

My main responsibilities was to organise leaching production activities and ensure that they run optimally, for quality production at a lower cost on the Job, in strict compliance with safety and health and environmental instructions. Transmit to the operators the instructions received from the superintendent for application and ensure their implementation , inform of the progress of activities of my unit.

Raison for leaving

The transformer has experience a breakdown, we have stopped production while waiting for the purchase of a new one.

Company Position Date of Employment Key Responsibilities KASTRO COMPANY

Coordinator of laboratory cell flotation tests
2021/02/08 To 2022/01/18

My main responsibilities was to supervise and coordinate the laboratory cell flotation test of the complex ore from KIMPE quarry of SOMIKA Company. Perform administration tasks : Take work instructions, Give reports on work done/not done as well as anomalies observed in the operations area.

Supervisor of leaching and filtration

2022/02/16 To 2022/11/10

Raison for leaving

Company Position Dates of Employment

Key Responsibilities

Reason for leaving

Company The mission had ended

Copper Corporation/EX-CMSK

Experimenter in the metallurgical control laboratory

2020/06 to 2020/12

My responsibility was to sample ores, prepare reagents, analyse ores, determine grinding time and float ores.

Gecamines terminated the contract with copper corporation

University of Lubumbashi/ higher institute of applied technique

PositionCo-director of end of cycle work and dissertations

Dates of Employment2019/09 to 2021/04

Research Topic•Contribution to the grindability study of DMS concentrates from the SHITURU Company.

• Kinetic modelling and study of activation energy during the leaching of a cuprocobaltiferous ore from SHITURU Company.

• Influence of two types of flocculants Bronte 112 and Superfloc 100 on the sedimentation rate of the flotation pulp.

• Contribution to the processing project of the 337 A indexed sulphide ore of the company COPPERCO/Ex- CMSK.

Education and TrainingInstitutionTrust Merchant Bank

Course/QualificationMatric( compliance, risk and management, security, ethics, internal control)

Dates2021/04/27 To 2021/06/08

Institutionuniversity of Lubumbashi polytechnics faculty

Course/QualificationCivil chemical engineer/ bachelor degree(license)

DatesJuly 2019

InstitutionMungoti high school

Course/Qualificationmatric(math, physics, French,anglais,biology and chemistry)


Computer Skills • Internet

• Typing • Email • MS Words

• Ms Excel




• Swahili


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