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5 intriguing ways Lingala songs differ from Western music

2.4. Song definition

A song is a musical composition with at least one melody, a vocal line, and words, usually following one of several culturally specific repetitive structures.

Lingala songs are songs produced in the Democratic Republic

of the Congo and in the Lingala language. Mostly they are compiled as all kinds of songs produced by a Congolese and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The definition is not a clear definition of the Lingala songs but it is accepted in abroad as such.

A slight difference is sorted out between what we always call a song and music, many use the two words synonymously and interchangeably, but they are not necessarily the same thing.In the most definitive form of itself, ‘music’ is a piece of music, which is a general definition of any piece of composed musical work. Song is a type of musical piece, one that involves lyrics, it is sung with or without accompaniment. A song is a short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung.

2.5. Music Genres

A music genre is a conventional category that identifies some pieces of2.5.1. Major music genres.

a. Art music

Art music primarily includes classical traditions, including bothb.

Popular music

Popular music is any musical style accessible to the general

public and disseminated by the mass media. Musicologist and popular music specialist Philip Tagg defined the notion in the light of sociocultural and economical aspects:

Popular music, unlike art music, is

Conceived for mass distribution to large and often socioculturally heterogeneous groups of listeners,

Stored and distributed in non-written form,

Only possible in an industrial monetary economy where it becomes a commodity and

In capitalist societies, subject to the laws of ‘free’ enterprise … It should ideally sell as much as possible.

The distinction between classical and popular music has sometimes been made in marginal areas such as AND

Secular music, broadly speaking, is any music that is not religious in nature. The term  »secular » comes from the Latin word saeculum, and this was used in the early Christian church to mean  »the world, » as opposed to  »the Church. » A secular music definition, therefore, is music that is concerned with affairs of the world rather than affairs of the spirit or religion.

Religious music (also sacred music) is a type of music that is performed or composed for religious use or through religious influence. It may overlap with ritual music, which is music, sacred or not, performed or composed for or as ( ( Religious songs have been described as a source of strength, as well as a means of easing pain, improving one’s mood, and assisting in the discovery of meaning in one’s suffering. While style and genre vary broadly across traditions, religious groups still share a variety of musical practices and techniques.

Religious music takes on many forms and varies throughout cultures. Throughout each religion, each form of religious music, within the specific religion, differs for a different purpose. For example, in Islamic music, some types of music are used for prayer while others are used for celebrations. Similarly, a variation like this is shared between many other religions.

Music plays a significant role in many religions. In some religions, music helps people calm their minds and focus before meditation. Religious music helps those of all religions connect with their faith and remember their religious values.

Secular Music in the Present Day

Secular music is composed for secular use and enjoyment. The secular realm is the world of everyday life and living, and secular music would include any type of music that has no religious content, and often this will be dance or jazz music.

There are secular songs about love, heartbreak, life in the city or country ; practically anything goes as long as it has no religious content. Secular music is particularly popular for use in the entertainment industry. Anyone looking to hire a professional secular musician will find plenty of applicants with secular music on their resumes, whereas musicians who prefer more music that is sacred may have a harder time getting secular gigs.

How can music be considered sacred?

The word sacred is derived from the Latin sacrare, which

means to set apart or consecrate. And so, sacred music is the music set apart or consecrated for use within the liturgy.

Sacred music is a subset of music that is designed to be performed in places of worship, such as churches and synagogues. These styles are typically performed by professional musicians during weekly religious ceremonies. Many sacred songs have lyrics that cover one or more topics from the bible.

Differences between Sacred and Secular Music

Secular music dates back to the earliest days of recorded history, while sacred music is typically affiliated with religious practice. Anyone can create secular music, while sacred music requires training in both theoretical and practical aspects of the religion in question.

Secular music does not require devotion or piety towards any one god or set of beliefs; secular songs are instead about love, war, or secular topics in general. Sacred music does not have this same flexibility.

Secular music is not the opposite of sacred music, and secular songs can often be performed at religious events (depending on the religion, of course) as long as the music doesn’t conflict with the values of the religion.

Sacred Music does not change

Sacred music does not change very often, whether in form or style, because it contains topics that are part of the core values of the religion. Unlike sacred music, secular music undergoes such rapid changes based on culture, time, and place, that new genres can be created even within the boundaries of a single genre within a decade.

However, worship music can even include live bands with rock and electronic elements in music, and therefore these can certainly change over time.

Examples of Secular music : Pop, rock, and rap songs

Secular music is the kind of music that you can hear and dance to on a daily basis. It’s played on the radio stations and at parties all over the world.

Despite this secular music is still very popular among many people. But secular music is very different from sacred music in that secular music has no religious meaning while sacred music refers to religious songs or hymns.

Examples of Sacred Music : Christian, Gospel, and Hymnals/Songs

Sacred music can be found in many forms inside churches all over the world. It makes reference to songs and hymns which people sing inside these churches. Many of the secular songs actually borrow from sacred music and turn them into secular songs.

For example, you’ll find some secular songs that contain lyrics

about religion, faith, and holy imagery. Sacred music is different from secular music because sacred music always has religious meaning.

Similarities between secular and sacred music

One thing secular and sacred music has in common is that both can be used to entertain people. They both have their differences but they also share some similarities as well.

Many secular artists were obviously influenced by sacred music during their time. You can even hear some secular songs that borrow from hymns.

There are a few key differences to keep in mind when thinking

about sacred vs secular musicshown in the chart below:

Sacred Music Secular Music
Intended as a tool for worshipIntended as a form of entertainment or expression
Carefully recorded for centuriesRarely written down in earlier centuries
Built on tradition and slow changeCharacterized by rapid change
Specific to one religious traditionOften applicable to a wide audience


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English poetry and Lingala songs: a contrastive study
Université 🏫: Institut supérieur pédagogique de Kisangani ISP - Section: Lettres et sciences humaines
Auteur·trice·s 🎓:
LOBOLO Amuri Edouard

LOBOLO Amuri Edouard
Année de soutenance 📅: Département : Anglais - Mémoire en anglais
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